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התא המשפחתי הוא המרכיב היסודי והחשוב ביותר של עם ישראל. בהעדר הכוונה נכונה הוא גם עלול להיות מקור לתסכול ומתח. במדור זה נבחן את מוסד הנישואין מפרספקטיבה יהודית על פי חכמת חז"ל: כיצד בוחרים בן/בת זוג מתאימים? כיצד מתכוננים לזוגיות נכונה, נישואין ושיפור האישיות, מהות הנישואין, משברים והתפייסות,חכמת נשים, תקשורת במשפחה, אהבת אמת: מיתוס דמיוני או יעד


Luck In Marriage
Paz Laghai
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Shiduchim-You Can Make a Difference
Paysach Krohn
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Raising Standards In Our Homes
Paysach Krohn
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Making Marriage Special
Paysach Krohn
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The Truth Speaks for Itself
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The more truthful, accurate, and on-target your Torah is, the less drama you need.
The Truth Speaks for Itself
Empowering Egypt
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Our enslavement in Egypt, was one of the bitterest chapters in our nation's long history.
Empowering Egypt
  .   |   0 תגובות
The Jewish people finds itself the axis around which major world events seem to revolve, although they have never been more than a tiny percentage of the world population.
``Depart From Evil And Do Good``
  Moshe Sheinfeld   |   0 תגובות
A difference of opinion was found between Yaakov and Yosef. Is one supposed to depart from evil from its root, or rather perform the commandments as much as possible, and by empowering the good, evil will disappear.
``Depart From Evil And Do Good``
Visiting the Sick
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
When you visit a sick person you take away one sixtieth of his illness.
Visiting the Sick
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The nations of the world have come to realize our uniqueness by witnessing our inexplicable survival in modern times, thousands of years after our nation first came into being.
Shameful Imaginings
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
We should try not to build up negative feelings.
Shameful Imaginings
Inside And Outside The Tents of Shem
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
A panaromic view of Chanukah.
Inside And Outside The Tents of Shem
Adding As We Go
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
We need to increase the light-level one candle at a time.
Adding As We Go
The Concept Of Mehadrin
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
To signify the very highest Halachic standards in the preparation of kosher food.
The Concept Of Mehadrin
Between Light And Darkness
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Throughout the ages, the nations of the world have attacked the Jewish People, for one reason or another – and often enough for no logical reason at all.
Between Light And Darkness
The Job Interview
  Aharon Levy   |   0 תגובות
Before you go out to your interview loaded with tips and advice, I'd like to provide you with another tip.
The Job Interview

Questions and Answers

Our marriage is going through a deep crisis. What can I do to save it?
28/02/2013 0 comments
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