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במדור זה נבחן סוגיות יסוד בהשקפת התורה: מהי חשיבות השמחה וכיצד זוכים בה? כיצד פועלת ההשגחה הפרטית? מהו הקו המאזן בין בטחון לבין פרנסה? מדוע קוראים דברים רעים לאנשים טובים? כיצד מתייחסת היהדות למעמד האשה? מהו סוד חשיבותה של ארץ ישראל? כיצד מתמודדים עם ניסיונות בחיים? סגולות – מה עומד מאחוריהם?


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Jewish Perspectives


Why Does G-d Test People?
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
It's the moment when he is given the opportunity to actualize his values, and must decide whether he will live up to or fail his own aspirations.
Why Does G-d Test People?
Looking Back with Longing
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The Children of Israel were plagued with doubt, they wanted to know with certain evidence that they would be safe trusting only in G-d, and taking refuge in His Presence.
Looking Back with Longing
The Revolution That Began at the Splitting of the Sea
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
This mighty event effects all peoples to this day.
The Revolution That Began at the Splitting of the Sea
The Least They Could Do…
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
At midnight of the fourteenth of Nissan, every firstborn in the entire land of Egypt suddenly died.
The Least They Could Do…
The Best-Laid Plans
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The Ten Plagues served many purposes.
The Best-Laid Plans
Kiddush HaChodesh: Redemption in a Bottle
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The very first mitzvah ever given to the Jewish nation characterized our mission in life. The mitzvah of Kiddush HaChodesh, the secret of renewal.
Kiddush HaChodesh: Redemption in a Bottle
Torah and Science
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
One of the most popular and insidious misconceptions prevalent in the world today is the supposed conflict raging between Torah and science.
Torah and Science
The Redemption of Humanity
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Moshe’s appearance as a challenger of Pharaoh’s court touched the very core of the conflict between Jewish values and those of their Egyptian taskmasters.
The Redemption of Humanity
How Many Times...?
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
If we approach the child with full confidence in our authority, we will stand behind every word we utter.
How Many Times...?
The Truth Speaks for Itself
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The more truthful, accurate, and on-target your Torah is, the less drama you need.
The Truth Speaks for Itself
Empowering Egypt
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Our enslavement in Egypt, was one of the bitterest chapters in our nation's long history.
Empowering Egypt
  .   |   0 תגובות
The Jewish people finds itself the axis around which major world events seem to revolve, although they have never been more than a tiny percentage of the world population.
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