Message Worth Repeating |
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The Mishkan was a creative extravaganza that brought to light some of the most beautiful skills humankind may possess.
What We Have Lost |
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When the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, only the Western Wall was left to us, where we were promised, the Divine Presence would never leave and that would never be destroyed.
Creative Mastery |
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For all its mystery, consciousness remains the most unique & beautiful of all creation. On Shabbos we let go. We let go of our worries and troubles. We let go of our illusory and grasping sense of control. We let go of what we do and let in who we are. We let go and let G-d.
Overcoming the Impossible |
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We need to develop an internal glow when faced with challenges that look too great to overcome.
Passion |
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The secret to real and lasting teshuva is passion.
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The Purim story is the decision that weighs the balance in favor of Mordecai and disproves the theories of Haman.
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What is the source of the custom of dressing up on Purim?
Priestly Clothing |
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Dignified clothing serves as the mark of a man elevated above the base.