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Yaakov Svei


Why Does G-d Test People?
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
It's the moment when he is given the opportunity to actualize his values, and must decide whether he will live up to or fail his own aspirations.
Why Does G-d Test People?
Looking Back with Longing
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The Children of Israel were plagued with doubt, they wanted to know with certain evidence that they would be safe trusting only in G-d, and taking refuge in His Presence.
Looking Back with Longing
The Revolution That Began at the Splitting of the Sea
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
This mighty event effects all peoples to this day.
The Revolution That Began at the Splitting of the Sea
Believing in Miracles
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
How to understand the miracle of the splitting of the sea.
Believing in Miracles
Before the Sea Split
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Challenging situations demand more than our subjective, human solutions. If we want real answers to real questions, we need to be willing to go deeper, search harder, and let go of our preconceived notions.
Before the Sea Split
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