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Unity and Individuality
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The power of our unity was that what made it possible for us to receive the Torah.
Unity and Individuality
Inner Light
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The Mishkan was like a 3-D museum displaying and explaining all the relevant moving parts of human ׳³ֲ³ײ²and, in parallel, the universl׳³ֲ³ײ² spiritual capacities.
Inner Light
The Purpose of the Mishkan
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G-d wanted to give us the joy of a relationship with Him.
The Purpose of the Mishkan
The Jewish Financial Ideal
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By following the Torah׳³ֲ³׳’ג‚¬ג„¢׳³ג€™׳’ג‚¬ֲšײ²ֲ¬׳³ג€™׳’ג‚¬ֲžײ²ֲ¢s guidelines, every one of us can feel truly rich.
The Jewish Financial Ideal
So That I May Dwell Among Them
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The Sanctuary served as the spiritual focal point for the Jewish People.
So That I May Dwell Among Them
Mishkan within Universe, Universe within Mishkan
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
To shelter the Presence of the Alm-ghty within the bounds of earth.
Mishkan within Universe, Universe within Mishkan
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