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Ki Sisa- coin of fire
Yaakov Svei
Ki Sissa


The Ketores Connection
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One of the pillars the world stands on is Korbanos (sacrifices).
The Ketores Connection
Breaking In Order to Make Whole
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The tablets may have been broken but the message upon them was saved.
Breaking In Order to Make Whole
How to (Really) Keep Shabbos
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Shabbos brings not only physical relaxation, but spiritual relaxation.
How to (Really) Keep Shabbos
Sorry, Michelangelo!
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The embarrassing mistake of the statue of Moses by Michelangelo.
Sorry, Michelangelo!
Reflections on Human Error
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One of the most shocking events depicted in the history of the Jewish People was the sin of the golden calf. It nearly destroyed us. It damaged the most delicate elements of our spiritual beings to the extent that the entire suffering of our long exile is laid directly at this sin’s feet.
Reflections on Human Error
The Beauty of Being Incomplete
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The donation of only half a shekel taught every donator that he was in need of his fellow Jews in order to become complete.
The Beauty of Being Incomplete
Aliya L`Regel: Are You Kidding Me?!
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Three times a year, the entire adult male population of the Jewish People were commanded to visit the Beis Hamikdash (temple) in Jerusalem.
Aliya L`Regel: Are You Kidding Me?!
The Golden Calf
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“When the people saw that Moshe was late in coming down from the mountain, the people gathered against Aharon (Aaron), and they said to him: ‘Come on! Make us gods that will go before us, because this man Moshe, who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we don't know what has become of him." (ibid 32:1)
The Golden Calf
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