Polishing Diamonds |
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Every child is a precious diamond, and no diamond can be cut exactly the same.
Fighting by the Light of the Moon |
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The Torah is a living tradition of how to think, emotionally process, perceive, and how to behave in a world of darkness and confusion.
More in Common |
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In Parashas Pinchas we observe the Jews making a seemingly odd value judgment. Two different nations refuse the Jews passage through their borders. One nation is excused and ignored whereas the other nation is battled. What distinguished these two nations?
Misunderstood Hero |
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Pinchas took a moment of profound spiritual degradation and turned it into a national memory of righteousness and heroism against all odds.
Visionary Women |
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Five sisters stood in the center of the camp, demanding their rights.
The Power of the Jewish Home |
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The walls of every individual home are the pillars that support the sanity and spiritual well-being of the entire culture.
Violence and the Danger Zone |
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The intentions of Pinchas were holy because of the Divine response, both in stopping the deadly plague, and his subsequent blessing.