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parashat Vayakhel Pekudei
Yaakov Svei


The Measure of Man
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Our enthusiasm transports us and defines us. The fervor of the Jewish People’s destructive impulses in the sin of the golden calf had found its match in their enthusiasm for the building of the Mishkan. Though atonement had been granted prior, now their purity had been reclaimed in completion. The Jewish People were restored to spiritual wholeness once again.
The Measure of Man
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The secret to real and lasting teshuva is passion.
Overcoming the Impossible
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We need to develop an internal glow when faced with challenges that look too great to overcome.
Overcoming the Impossible
Creative Mastery
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For all its mystery, consciousness remains the most unique & beautiful of all creation. On Shabbos we let go. We let go of our worries and troubles. We let go of our illusory and grasping sense of control. We let go of what we do and let in who we are. We let go and let G-d.
Creative Mastery
Beyond Idolatry
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One of the warnings voiced most potently at Sinai had been the warning against comparing the Creator to any manner of physical being. Assigning the Creator an image or giving Him any physical representation was absolutely forbidden. Accordingly, sculpting, painting, or otherwise visually representing the divine, in keeping with the great artists of the gentile nations throughout the ages, was out of the question. The warning that “gods of silver and gods of gold shall you not make for ..
Beyond Idolatry
The Yeshiva or The Horse?
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Which of these pursuits garners your greater enthusiasm?
The Yeshiva or The Horse?
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