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parashat vayikra
Yaakov Svei


Responsible Leadership
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Responsible Leadership
A Nation Worthy of It’s Leaders
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Does the desensitization of national leaders affect the day-to-day life of the individual civilian?
A Nation Worthy of It’s Leaders
Winning the Gold
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G-d never demands the impossible, whatever He requests of us, however difficult, is nonetheless possible.
Winning the Gold
The Freedom Conundrum
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The Jews did not leave Egypt for an empty freedom, the self-enslavement of the west, but to be engraved with a deeper truth, a fulfilling purpose. Rather than serving Pharaoh, or serving their own flippant lusts and instincts, the Jewish People committed to serving the Almighty.
The Freedom Conundrum
Animal Sacrifices?!
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The "korban" brings us closer to G-d.
Animal Sacrifices?!
Leavening and Honey
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Why does the Torah forbade including leavening or honey in any offering?
Leavening and Honey
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