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parashat Naso
Yaakov Svei


The Almighty`s Vote of Confidence
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
When the Almighty sends you a challenge that means that you have His vote of confidence.
The Almighty`s Vote of Confidence
The Privilege of Leadership
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Torah leadership is not passed on by inheritance.
The Privilege of Leadership
Presents or Presence?
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
We can give our children all the gifts in the world, but none will mean anything to them like the gift of our time and attention.
Presents or Presence?
How to Be Unique
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Every action that you perform can be imitated and one day someone will do it better than you.
How to Be Unique
What is a Nazir?
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Rule of thumb: closeness in the physical world is measured by inches. Closeness in the spiritual world is measured by similarity.
What is a Nazir?
Elijah and the Hunter
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
Simple Torah study makes the difference between a life of meaning and a life of spiritual starvation.
Elijah and the Hunter
Exercising the Jewish Heart
  Arachim   |   0 תגובות
The Jewish People should always feel an atmosphere of love and warmth towards one another in order to bring blessings without end upon themselves.
Exercising the Jewish Heart
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