Rivkah`s Lie |
0 תגובות
Rivkah saw clearly and prophetically that the destiny of the house of Avraham (Abraham) could be actualized through Yaacov alone.
The Price of his Actions |
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Yaakov received the blessing that his father had intended for his older brother.
The Art Of Silence |
Aharon Levy
1 תגובות
The silence of our father is powerful and a message of magnificence is hidden in it.
The Faithful Servant |
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Eliezer, Avraham's faithful servant, was sent to search for a wife for Avraham's son Yitzchak.
Will Sodom Turn Over Again? |
Aharon Levy
0 תגובות
Following the miraculous rescue, will the citizens of Sodom respect the righteous people that dwell amongst them? Will they be grateful for it? Of course not. Why?
Heavenly Guests |
0 תגובות
Only three days after Avraham's circumcision, he was distraught by something other than his own pain: the lack of guests in his tent.
Why Save Sodom? |
0 תגובות
There was a good reason why the Almighty considered destroying Sodom.