אישיות האדם היא המערכת המורכבת והמופלאה ביותר ביקום. פיתוח אישיות מאוזנת ומתוקנת היא המפתח לצמיחה רוחנית ולחיים מאושרים. בין הנושאים שבהם נעסוק: כיצד מגיעים לשליטה עצמית, מוסר ומצפון, החיים ללא כעס, אומנות האושר, כוח הנתינה, הדרך אל לאושר,לקחת אחריות, הקנאה – מחלה ופתרונה, סוד ההנאה, כוח הדיבור, עוצמת המחשבה.
The Concept Of Mehadrin |
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To signify the very highest Halachic standards in the preparation of kosher food.
Between Light And Darkness |
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Throughout the ages, the nations of the world have attacked the Jewish People, for one reason or another – and often enough for no logical reason at all.
The Job Interview |
Aharon Levy
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Before you go out to your interview loaded with tips and advice, I'd like to provide you with another tip.
Taking Responsibility |
Aharon Levy
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The will to change will arise in one's heart once he believes that there is a better way from the path that he paced until now.
Owning Up |
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The admission of Yehudah is the brave act of a leader.
Do We Have A Choice? |
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It is the light of the Chanukah candles which arouses in our heart the motto handed down through the ages.
Rivkah`s Lie |
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Rivkah saw clearly and prophetically that the destiny of the house of Avraham (Abraham) could be actualized through Yaacov alone.
The Price of his Actions |
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Yaakov received the blessing that his father had intended for his older brother.