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The declared goal of the Arabs is to cleanse the Middle East of non-believers who refuse to acknowledge Islam as the absolute truth, including the Jews.
The story of Ishmael, son of the Patriarch, Abraham, is told in the book of Genesis. The matriarch Sarah was childless. She saw that she was growing too old to have hope of bearing Abraham a son who would continue his mission of making G-d's name known in the world. Rather than see her husband remain without a heir, she suggested to Abraham that he take Hagar, her Egyptian slave, as a second wife. Then, if Hagar bore him a son, Sarah would raise him as her own child. Abraham did so, and Hagar gave birth to Abraham's first son, Ishmael. Some time before Hagar gave birth, an angle told her: "Behold, you have conceived and you will bear a son and you shall call his name: Ishmael, because G-d has hearkened (shama) to your suffering. He will be a rebel. His hand will be raised against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him. Nonetheless, he will dwell undisturbed near his brothers" (Genesis 16:11). Later, when Ishmael was thirteen, G-d told Abraham that He would give him a second son, Isaac, borne by Sarah; it was this son who would become his spiritual heir. G-d assured Abraham that nonetheless, Ishmael would be blessed, as we read in the verse: "And with regard to Ishmael, I have heard you, and behold, I have blessed him and made him fruitful, increasing his numbers greatly. He will bear twelve princes, and I shall make him a mighty nation" (Genesis 17:20). The descendants of Ishmael indeed multiplied and settled vast areas of the Arabian desert. However, for thousands of years, there was little indication that the prophecy of Ishmael's greatness would be fulfilled. The nomadic tribes of descendants of Ishmael wandered the sands of the Arabian Desert and had only occasional influence on the world scene. During that period, prior to the rise of Mohammed, we find no historical record of a conflict between the Arab nation and Israel, neither in the Bible, nor in the vast body of sacred Jewish literature, nor in the chronicles of world history. In the seventh century, the Arab tribes converted to Islam. They were determined that the rest of the world accept the new religion as well. A basic tenet of their new faith was the jihad, the holy struggle. Their goal was the conquest of the entire world, and subsequent conversion to Islam of one and all. The Muslim conquests which ensued were impressive. It was not so long, historically speaking, until the sword of Islam ruled over a vast empire. The last vestiges of the Roman Empire crumbled before them. The Muslims became a world power to be reckoned with. The territory under their rule was later divided into three warring Muslim kingdoms. By far, the most powerful of the three was the Ottoman Empire, based in Turkey. There the sultan ruled supreme and established a flourishing empire which held sway for centuries. It was only after World War One, in the year 1923, that the Sultanate was terminated, after ruling the country for 623 years. The country was established as a parliamentary republic under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who established a Western style democratic government with no ties to any specific religion. The official script for writing the national tongue, Turkish, was switched from the traditional Arabic alphabet to the European, Latin characters. This secular state persists yet today. Until recently, religion was not considered a concern of the government. Many Druze and Christian Arabs served in high offices. The country's goal was to transform the former sultanate into a typical European state. In the 1980's, however, there were signs of a trend to return to Islam. This wave of religious fervor continues today. Recently, this religious faction in Turkey has proven successful in taking the reins into hand. In the past two decades, the West has seen, and felt, a new wave of Arab nationalism, not only in Turkey, but throughout the world. The declared goal of the Arabs is to cleanse the Middle East of non-believers who refuse to acknowledge Islam as the absolute truth. This category includes the Jews. The vision of the modern-day sons of Ishmael is to unite all Muslim nations into a unified super-power which will then play a major role in world affairs. At first, the world regarded this new Muslim fervor with disinterest. It appeared to be the Mid-Eastern counterpart to the renewed interest in religion then current in the Western world. At first, there was no reason to suspect that the repercussions of new religiosity might one day spill out of the mosques and onto the world scene, and set hearts atremble around the globe. Shortly, however, it became clear to one and all that the factions heading this Muslim religious revival would not be content to remain within the walls of the mosque. The leaders entered the political arena, fighting for control of their local governments. In Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, among other countries, the Muslim revivalists took full control of the government, and they remain in power to this day. The law of the land is based on Islam doctrine rather than democratic rule. Many other countries are forced to contend with similar factions which, although extremely active and disruptive, have not yet succeeded in taking over the government and imposing the rule of the Koran. They continue to wage their “holy war” on behalf of Islam, no holds barred. Terrorism is accepted as a method of achieving a victory for the rule of Islam; these people are willing to sacrifice even their lives and those of their children in order to win the war for Islam. Osama bin Ladin has emerged as the leader of this movement, known today as Al Quaida. It is far-flung and embraces the globe, with cells firmly planted in every corner of the world. With Al Quaida's infamous attack on the Twin Towers, in 2001, its popularity soared in the countries of Islam. The movement was lauded for restoring Arab pride in the power of its sword. The Western world recoiled in horror and disgust. In Israel, the Twin Towers attack had its reverberations in the Palestinian masses, heightening their animosity to Israel. Both Hamas and the Islamic Jihad organizations dismissed out of hand any proposition of coming to an understanding with the State of Israel. Instead, they announced their intentions to expand their terrorist activities and to arm their suicide bombers with more powerful explosives. In there agenda, there was no room for recognition of a Jewish state, no matter what its borders might be. The Sages foretold that Ishmael's true character – unbridled destruction – will come to light at its full power shortly before the final redemption of the world. Ishmael's hand – and his sword – will attack everywhere. Indeed, we see this happening before our very eyes.
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