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Judaism guides us to put each phenomenon in its place and successfully interact with the rest of humanity.

The theories of psychology, and, particularly, of psychoanalysis developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud and his followers, presented society with a multitude of complications regarding the attitude toward relationships between the sexes. This wave of complications was intensified by the studies of Dr. Alfred Kinsey. Rather than being enhanced, life has become more problematic.

On the whole, the younger generation chose to reject the limitations formerly imposed by social standards of behavior. They claimed to have developed a new set of standards regarding male-female relationships, according to a modernized “philosophy” of their own.

In reality there was nothing new in their attitude. It had already been well established thousands of years beforehand in various societies which rejected any attempt to impose ethics or morality on their conduct. New packaging for ancient principles – or lack of them – changed only the externals. Today's youth are confronted with two opposing codes of sexual behavior, and must choose between them. Neither approach is an innovation; both were extant already in the ancient world. Paradoxically, many people today ascribe to both approaches, applying each one when and where it suits their purposes. This confusion makes the topic of sexual morality even more confusing than ever in modern-day society. The repercussions of this dual standard and the confusion it generates are reflected in the state of emotional and mental health of the masses in today's society.

Outwardly, most of today's Western youth adopt a “liberated” attitude in their interactions with the opposite sex. This attitude has been fashionable in better social circles ever since it was proposed and popularized by Sigmund Freud. Amazingly, nowadays, everyone is “well-informed” on the topic of sexuality already from childhood. It has been reduced to a mere biological drive, all the rest is foolish romanticism. This “naturalistic” approach is the official cult of the modern social revolution. Any moral or ethical inhibitions are regarded as the Satan of the cultural revolution. 

The rationale behind this free-for-all approach was popular in ancient times among idol worshipers, from the “holy” prostitutes of the Canaanites down to the Roman aristocracy which recognized no boundaries or restrictions. This pattern of addiction and “sanctification” of sexual indulgence were well known in ancient times. The “New Ethics” of the past century are but a re-run of well-played out themes, presented in new packaging, in an effort to rationalize the familiar self-indulgence of previous cultures. 

This renaissance of paganism presents a serious threat to the institution of marriage, family, and moral propriety. In the final estimation, it is a threat to Man himself. There is no denying that there is another side to the coin ̶ the creeping, gnawing malaise of Man's inner self when confronted by a society which has no reins and no limitations.     

Ancient Christianity identified sexual relations with the original sin of Adam. Propagation of the human race was considered to be the handing down of wickedness from one generation to the next.  Most of the leaders of the church preached celibacy. In their eyes, marriage was a form of succumbing to man's inherent weakness. For hundreds of years, the church continued to regard sexual relations as a sin.

Although there are no longer adherents of this concept in our times, the roots of this policy remain deeply imbedded in the inner soul of Western culture. This philosophy is still extant in the subconscious of modern Man. It lies under the surface, alive and well, despite all the protests of modern liberals and reformers. Psychology is aware of this fact and points to its pathological repercussions in those who are intimidated by sexual activity and therefore avoid it. Many of us can identify the tug of war between these two approaches within our own personalities. On the one hand, we tend to regard sexual activity as the uncontrolled indulgence of one's animal drives, expressing the beast hidden within, as such we are repulsed by it. In a moment of truth, we may admit that it is only when we dupe ourselves by going through the motions of a ceremonial, hypocritical rite, the wedding, that sexual activity receives an official stamp of approval.

Judaism rejects both these approaches. On the one hand, it prohibits and condemns the unleashed indulgence in sexual acts of the pagan cultures. On the other hand, it also denies the validity of the Christian thesis that all sexual activity is to be censured as inherently sinful. 

The very first commandment the Creator gave to Mankind is “Be fruitful and multiply.” With this commandment, Man's Maker urged – nay, ordered – him to reproduce his kind and fill the earth with his progeny. It is just because of this essential role that human reproduction plays in fulfilling the will of the Creator, that heaven imbued man with so strong an attractive force between the sexes. This drive is to be used to fulfill Heaven's will, and when it is channeled to this end, it is thereby elevated and sanctified. To qualify as “fulfilling Heaven's will” it must be within the parameters specified by Torah Law.  

Let us elaborate somewhat on what these parameters entail. The Torah describes the Laws of Family Purity in detail. This body of law deals with some of the most physical aspects of Man's being. They come to refine Man's sexual urge, and, as such, are directed toward Man's innermost being. This inner sanctum of Man's character influences every major aspect of his being, the most sublime and the lowest, taken together. It is linked to the Divine in Man, to his spiritual strengths, to his physical drives, his emotional makeup and his power of imagination, and combines them all.

Each individual is subject to basic physical drives. Man who is pleased on earth to cultivate the Divine spark within him, should harness these powers and dedicate his use of them to the service of his Maker. In doing so, he must of course, channel them into the avenues designated as permissible by the Torah.

Let us stress this point again. Unlike so many religions, Judaism does not require Man to repress his inborn powers and natural impulses. He need not declare war on them nor remove them from the realm of his daily activities. They are neither off-limits nor taboo.

The Torah does demand of the Jew that he refine his physical urges and channel them in keeping with the guidelines given to him by his Maker. He must use them according to the “Manufacturer's instructions,” so to speak.

To fully appreciate the wisdom of the Torah approach, we must first of all be familiar with the popular approach of modern psychology which holds sway over society at large, even those who are not aware of its influence. Modern psychology states that in the process of developing a body of ethics, society imposed a list of taboos and restrictions on its members. Thus, they were not free to act on every lustful impulse and to indulge themselves every time they craved physical pleasures. Having no other outlet for his desire, Man reacted with warped behavior. Society's fetters aroused a determination to avenge the restrictions imposed on him. He fought back by rejecting the value system of the authority which had held sway over him, and by flouting its laws, rules and ordinances as his expression of contempt for them.

Psychology came to the conclusion that self-control, in any form, and at any level, is harmful. It should be eliminated through education. This principle became the bible of psychology. Its banner was waved on high as a major step forward in Man's march to Freedom. A “new and better” model of the human psyche was born and gained wide acceptance. From now on, Man would be free to satisfy his lusts without paying the price of censure. The psychologists assumed that by thus releasing Man from the restrictions which held his baser instincts in check, they would also eliminate the social ills which plagued human society. They failed to foresee the additional failings which their system was to inflict on those who flocked to their flag, and consequently on society as a whole. 

The sexual anarchy of today's Western society is the direct result of the axioms of modern psychology, its corollaries, and inferences. This lack of structure has taken an unbearable toll.  Western society is paying a heavy price for the license to sexual freedom issued to it by the world of psychology. Among the consequences is the steep rise in fatal diseases transmitted by physical intimacy. 

The delicate balance of forces found in every aspect of our physical world has been upset by the new extremes in sexual behavior of our times. Every time the equilibrium is threatened, it necessitates a readjustment of the bases of human life in order to regain the balanced structure essential to a stable human society. The state of imbalance affects not only the area in which Man has so to speak “gone overboard”. It poses a threat to other functions which are interwoven in the fabric of human society, and are automatically affected by any flaw in the tapestry of human society.

The law of equilibrium affects the individual as well. There must be a balance in Man's activities. This dynamic balance requires that every aspect of our lives be presented in the appropriate proportion. Just as a child cannot be healthy on a diet of potato chips alone, or nor can he forgo his sleep in favor of healthy exercise, so, too, must our lives be balanced if we are to remain emotionally healthy. Society must also maintain this delicate balance, lest it collapse and disintegrate.

The key to establishing this equilibrium in the human personality can be found in the Torah. We might regard the Torah as the ultimate "User's Manuel" for operating this marvelous creation known as the human being. The very work "Torah" means "instruction". Without it, we are subject to disarray and disease. In Torah, Man can find the spiritual and emotional tools needed in order to establish and maintain the delicate equilibrium between a healthy body and a no less healthy soul. The guidelines established by the Torah show Man how to set up a self-adjusting structure, with built-in checks and balances. It is essential to Man's physical and emotional well-being. Similarly, a healthy society must be based on these instructions if it is to function efficiently and be healthy.

The moral guidelines set forth by the Torah have been adopted by all major religions of the Western world. Many schools of philosophy have also based themselves on principles found in the Torah, (some more to a greater or lesser extent and some less), but always in a watered-down form when compared with their source.

The Torah teaches us that the universe is based on a balance between opposing forces. In creating our world, Heaven brought together forces which, by their very nature, repulse each other and tend to destroy one another. The “Manufacturer”, however, familiar with His products, knows how to combine these opposing forces harmoniously. He alone can limit each one appropriately so that they will complement, rather than destroy, each other. The world of nature is replete with forces which cannot co-exist. Were it not for Heaven's intervention, they would grapple against each other in an ongoing struggle devoid of purpose or meaning. 

The laws of family purity are an example of this Divine definition of limits between two opposites, man and woman. Consequently, they are a prerequisite for a healthy marriage. Today's liberalism denies the differences between the sexes. It even preaches a way of life which completely ignores these differences. In doing so, it warps its representation of the nature of Man. Men and women are not only distinctly different, they are diametrically so, as are light and darkness, fire and water. Each is capable of destroying the other. To ensure that peace and harmony reign between them, they must both accept the authority of Heaven. Thus they will always be aware that only the Creator can establish true harmony between them and bless their home with tranquility.  

Western society is in the midst of embracing Liberalism, which with its concept of equality, has wiped out the concept of the uniqueness of each individual and respect for his right to privacy. It has created a melting pot of Mankind in which there is no concept of “mine” or “yours”, no “permitted” or “forbidden”, no private individual or public, and no distinction between one nation and another. Indeed, the great thinkers of many nations bemoan the decline and disintegration of the human personality. With dread, they anticipate a flood of despair which will drown Mankind and rewrite the basic rules of our social interactions.

Much of modern literature depicts the confusion of values and standards of conduct, the detachment and emptiness which are the earmarks of today's society. Even those stalwart individuals who seek to escape the whirlpool of descent into the depths are powerless to save themselves. They wander the globe searching and seeking various proposed solutions. They examine and try out one value system after another, only to return home empty-handed and forlorn.  

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