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Observance of the Laws of Family Purity is the key to bringing up a family of happiness, kindness, success etc.

A woman's body is under the constant influence of her monthly cycles which affect her emotions, her body, and her moods. All these must be taken into account when planning the timing of physical intimacy. Any intimacy which fails to take into account the present stage of the woman's cycle, and what she is experiencing as a result, will fail to achieve its purpose of bringing husband and wife together. What is even worse, it will weaken the bond between them because it is unhealthy for her body and her emotions at this time. Her husband's advances will arouse repulsion and animosity. How much greater the harm in the spiritual arena, where it can lead, Heaven forbid, to a total disruption of the peaceful state of affairs that existed until now between husband and wife.

The children born of a union forbidden by the Torah also suffer spiritually as a result. It is important to note that there are circumstances in which it is the husband's situation which precludes physical intimacy. For instance, if the husband is under the influence of alcohol, he must wait until he is again sober and his senses are not dulled.

Observance of the Laws of Family Purity is the key to bringing up a family in which happiness, kindness, concern for others, and success are the rule. This is a family which stays together, offering mutual assistance and support to each of its members, and to those around it. By observing these precepts, the couple transform what might be a purely physical act into a source of spiritual content, sanctity, and sincere love. It becomes a blessing not only for themselves, but also for their offspring and all the generations that follow. 

The period of physical separation between the spouses contributes significantly to the couple's life during the remainder of the month. Likewise, it has a definite, positive effect on their affection for each other. It creates a short, but significant lapse of two weeks during which the couple anticipate the renewal of their physical intimacy once again. This naturally increases their desire to be together. As a result of their temporary separation there is an element of freshness when they do renew their intimacy two weeks later. The experience is greatly enhanced and the excitement of achieving something for which one must await with patience and self-control renews and strengthens the bond between them. Without this cycle of restraint and renewal, the couple's affection is likely to diminish and become something of a routine. The cycle of separation and again joining as one prevents the couple's relationship from falling victim to the boredom of routine which plagues so many marriages in our days. When the couple renews their relationship each month, they again celebrate their being together, joined in body, soul, and heart. Following their temporary separation, husband and wife again become a “bride and groom” anew each month. When it is not taken for granted that they may enjoy physical intimacy, as a matter of course, the experience is greatly heightened for them both.

During the interval of restraint, the couple train themselves in self-control. In addition, this arrangement protects them both from the over-indulgence which would result if one spouse seeks intimacy more frequently than the other. By regulating their relationship somewhat, it thus prevents both husband and wife from being rejected by demands which one of them views as excessive. As mentioned above, Judaism attaches great importance to the emotional aspect of the bond between husband and wife during physical intimacy, for this enhances the ties between them that much more.

Moreover, in view of the fact that physical contact is not allowed during these days, the couple has an opportunity to develop their emotional ties. They learn to enjoy each others' company without resorting to physical contact. They learn to communicate, and, when necessary, to settle their differences, using words and ideas rather than “the fastest way to settle an argument”, a solution which is nearly always temporary, at best.

There is another advantage, which this interval brings. During these two weeks, both husband and wife gain additional training in self-control, an invaluable gain for each of them. Each month, they both have a valuable “workout” which strengthens their “muscles” of self-control, an exercise which will bring blessing into every aspect of their lives, both as individuals, and as a couple. How often do we raise our voice, make a sarcastic remark or a critical comment which we soon regret. How much more pleasant would life be if our self-control were stronger. If only we were as concerned as we are with caring for our heart, watching our weight, and controlling our blood pressure and cholesterol levels!

Improved self-control also fosters greater trust between husband and wife, as it helps each of them to avoid being tempted into any relationship apart from the bond between them. This mutual trust is essential to building the marital bond and keeping it strong and dependable. Self-control also helps each one to strengthen his or her own personality, and as a result, both gain. One has more to contribute to their partnership, and one has more to receive.

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